About Us

Alaska Map Cooperative is the web portal for member organizations that employ Alaska Map Company to manage their Geographic Information Systems. On this site we store and share documents, geodata, and maps that need to be accessed from the internet.

Our Approach

In mirroring the lessons of nature, we believe that pooling resources is the best way for small communities to tackle large problems. Humpback whales feed in pods to corral schools of herring, wolves hunt in packs to harvest moose,  and small communities form cooperatives to overcome the complexities of GIS.

Our goal is to provide a sustainable GIS resource for the small communities of Alaska. Since small villages and cities have virtually identical needs, our templates for addressing, parcel management and utility mapping translate into a simple model that works.

Our Story

Since 2003 we have been working with communities across Alaska from Bristol Bay to Juneau. We understand Alaska!